Libros y Partituras de R. SMITH & CO. LTD. | Trino Music
Obraorden descendente Autor(es) Disp. Precio
1812 1/2 A Novelty for Band Brand, Michael
90,00 €
A Little Tango Music Sparke, Philip
100,00 €
Andante and Scherzo Heath, Reginald
13,50 €
Brindisi from "La Traviata" Verdi, Giuseppe/ Brand, Geoffrey
80,00 €
Carnival of the Animals Saint-Saens, Camille/ Brand, Geoffrey
184,00 €
Cartoon Hart, Paul
165,00 €
Cartoon/ Full Score Hart, Paul
44,00 €
Concert Prelude Sparke, Philip
150,00 €
Concerto for Timpani and Band Jacob, Gordon
190,00 €
Contest Music Gorb, Adam
150,00 €
Crocodile Rock John, Elton/ Farnon, David
110,00 €
Dawn Flight Wilby, Philip
210,00 €
Deo Gracias (God Be Thanked) Woolfenden, Guy
145,00 €
Emperor Waltz, Theme From Strauss, Johann/ Johnson, Stuart
100,00 €
Entr’acte and Toreador’s Song (Carmen) Bizet, Georges/ Brand, Geoffrey
100,00 €
Fantasy Sparke, Philip
170,00 €
Fantasy for Euphonium & Brass B./Red.Pno Sparke, Philip
20,00 €
Fete Galante Horovitz, Joseph
210,00 €
Flute Sundae (Flute Feature) Johnson, Stuart
90,00 €
HMS Trinidad-March Lloyd, George
93,00 €
I Want to Hold your Hand Lennon - McCartney/ Brand, Michael
90,00 €
Jamaican Rock Johnson, Stuart
105,00 €
Lady Madonna Lennon - McCartney/ Farnon, David
110,00 €
Lullaby Wood, Gareth
8,50 €
Ode To Joy. Very Easy Beethoven, Ludwig van/ Brand, M.
30,00 €
Ode To Joy. Very Easy Beethoven, Ludwig van/ Brand, M.
30,00 €
Ode To Joy. Very Easy Beethoven, Ludwig van/ Brand, M.
33,00 €
Orpheus Can’t Can Can Brand, Michael
90,00 €
Oxford Scherzo Kelly, Bryan
170,00 €
Pavane Fauré, Gabriel/ Brand, Geoffrey
150,00 €
Penny Lane Beatles/ Lennon- McCartney
110,00 €
Radetsky March (Wind Band) Strauss, Johann/ Johnson, Stuart
100,00 €
Rhapsody in Brass Goffin, Dean
115,00 €
Sea Dreams Op. 266 Bourgeois, Derek
150,00 €
Sinfonietta Bourgeois, Derek
293,00 €
Sir Godfrey Kneller’ s March Jacob, Gordon
145,00 €
Sonata for Euphonium and Piano Young, Ernest
21,00 €
Songs of The West Holst, Gustav/ Curnow, Jim
210,00 €
Spirit of Adventure. Overture Johnson, Stuart
110,00 €
Suite for Euphonium and Piano Young, Ernest
30,00 €
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Tradicional
105,00 €
Symphony AD 78 Jacob, Gordon
300,00 €
Tales of the Vienna Woods Strauss, Johann/ Brand, Geoffrey
100,00 €
Tango John B Johnson, Stuart
105,00 €
The Birdcatcher (The Magic Flute) Mozart, W. Amadeus/ Brand, Geoffrey
95,00 €
The Forest of Arden Lloyd, George
210,00 €
The Land of The Long White Cloud Sparke, Philip
180,00 €
The Liberty Bell Sousa, John P./ Johnson, Stuart
100,00 €
The Sorcerer’ s Apprentice Dukas, Paul/ Farnon, David
30,50 €
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Dukas, Paul/ Farnon, David
30,00 €
Trombone Concerto Op. 114/ Red.Pno Bourgeois, Derek
32,00 €
Trombone Concerto Op. 114b Bourgeois, Derek
250,00 €
Tuscan Serenade Fauré, Gabriel/ Grainger, Percy A.
170,00 €
Variations on a Theme of Paganini Horovitz, Joseph
30,00 €
Viva Verdi Verdi, Giuseppe/ Brand, Geoffrey
90,00 €
With a Little Help from my Friends Beatles/ Lennon- McCartney
90,00 €

Marcas destacadas

guitarras admira
guitarras alhambra
altus flautas
audio technica
azumi flautas
vincent bach
estuches bam
bg abrazaderas
buffet crampon
Vf cerveny
D'addario Woodwinds
Denis Wick boquillas
Fusion bags
Gara Winds
Gewa instrumentos
Gretsch Drums
Hercules stands
J.Leiva percusion
Jargar cuerdas
Jazz Lab arneses
Joral mutes
Jupiter instruments
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Knobloch Strings
Latin Percussion
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Miyazawa flautas
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Sankyo flautas
Seles by Selmer
Selmer Paris
Shure logo
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Wood & Good
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DB Technologie
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